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The Colegio de San Luis, Public Research Center, coordinated by the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCYT), marks an innovative trend in the academic field through its Research and Teaching Programs in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

It remains at the forefront in the processes of institutional change and transformation, through this portal it makes available to users, in a first stage, a significant part of its editorial production in open access.

Browsing by Author Juan Alberto Velazquez

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2013An ensemble approach to assess hydrological models’ contribution to uncertainties in the analysis of climate change impact on water resourcesArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez21-Apr-2020
2011Can a multi-model approach improve hydrological ensemble forecasting? A study on 29 French catchments using 16 hydrological model structuresArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez21-Apr-2020
2017Evaluación del impacto del cambio climático en los indicadores hidrológicos de una cuenca del centro de México con base en un ensamble de modelos climáticos y en el modelo hidrológico SWATArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez21-Apr-2020
2015Evaluating the Time-Invariance Hypothesis of Climate Model Bias Correction: Implications for Hydrological Impact StudiesArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez; Magali Troin-lambert; Francois Brissette21-Apr-2020
2015Hydrological Modeling of the Tampaon River in the Context of Climate ChangeArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez; Magali Troin-lambert21-Apr-2020
2020Incertidumbre en la evaluación del impacto del cambio climático en dos cuencas mexicanasArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez21-Apr-2020
2013On the need for bias correction in regional climate scenarios to assess climate change impacts on river runoffArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez22-Apr-2020
2017Uncertainty Related to Processed Gridded Meteorological Data: Implications for Hydrological ModellingArtículoJuan Alberto Velazquez; Rodrigo Dávila Ortiz21-Apr-2020